Class Reunion Photos
Former Class Reunion Committee
Former Class Reunion Committee

Top Row:  Steve Goad, Gene Baker, Gregg Lowman, Gregg Richardson
Bottom Rom:  Cheryl Dempsey Olser, Denise Harris Henke, Marlene Stachler Mundey

50th Class Reunion Photos
45th Class Reunion Photos
40th Class Reunion Photos
Classmate Families, Friends & Vacations
Retired Fairmont East Teacher's
Front Row (Left to Right) - Lou Gabbard, Donna Gabbard, Jim Thompson, Gregg Richardson, Pat Koonts, John Koonts
Second Row from Botton (Left to Right) - Frana Howell, Arlene Akerman, Marolyn Holloway, Shirley Richardson, Mage Price, Harriett Blackmore